5 things you can do with your tv commercials during the election

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custom funeral televisionadfinity is a full-service ad agency, so we purchase radio and television advertising for funeral homes (and other companies) nationwide. And during an election year – especially the three months leading up to November – it is pretty tough to get a spot on popular cable channels, let alone network, that doesn’t cost a fortune. November 7th, this will all change. But until then, here are 5 things you can do with your television spots.

1. Create a YouTube channel. Guess who loves video? Google. Guess why Google loves video? They own YouTube. Okay, well maybe they love video because consumers love video, but you should still create a YouTube channel for your firm. Because Google also loves links.
2. Put them on your web site. If Google loves videos because they entertain and engage, maybe you should, too. Create a page on your web site where you post your ads and other videos or event footage you’d like to share.
3. Create a loop to play at trade shows or community events. PowerPoint will play video. It can’t be a LONG video, but commercials usually aren’t. Add it to your presentation to break up statistics.
4. Speaking of presentations, use your television spot as a lead in to presentations you give. This could be at your Kiwanis meeting or an open house or a preplanning seminar. It’s just a few minutes where you aren’t speaking and the audience can get a feel for your firm – often without being there.

5. Shelve the old spots and create some new television spots. (In the opening paragraph, I mentioned we were full-service. You had to see this coming!) The time before the election is the perfect time to get some new creative. You may as well start your 2013 marketing campaign a bit early and launch fresh spots for the holidays.

Oh, the how of all of this? The video production company can save your video in various formats for you. Here is a list of some well-known formats that YouTube supports:
  • .WebM
  • .MPEG4
  • .3GPP
  • .MOV
  • .AVI
  • .WMV
  • .FLV
And as always, if you need help, adfinity is here for you.

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